With a Anilam digital readout system the position is accurately given by the display right in front of the operator, all the way down to 0.00005' (1 micron) depending on the linear encoderchosen. The linear encoder registers only actual machine movement, effectively eliminating backlash from the positioning process.
Anilam Wizard 211 Manual Diagram
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Anilam Mini Wizard Parts

Anilam Wizard 211 Service Manual
Wizard 1000 readout for MILLING and TURNING applications is a fully programmable readout.
Wizard 550for MILLING,Wizard 550Tfor TURNING, Wizard 550Gfor General Use and Grinding
Wizard 411 the cost effective digital readout for MILLING and TURNING.
These new readouts combine with the all new SENC 50, SENC 150, ENC 125andENC 250precision glass scale linear encoders to give you the CLEAR CHOICE in readout systems.
The gain in productivity pays for the investment in only a few weeks. This pay-back starts immediately, since ANILAM's Wizard system Wizard 411, Wizard 500 and the Wizard 1000 are so easy to learn and use.
The pay-back time is effectively independent of the level of system because the higher investment is compensated by the higher productivity gain. After those initial couple of weeks pay-back time, all that increased productivity becomes profit in your pocket. Acu-rite offers linear scales, digital readouts and turnkey CNC retrofits.
We also offer installation across the country.
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