Hollow Knight White Defender Location

  1. Hollow Knight White Defender Location
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  • This wiki guide contains information on where to find the many Grubs in Hollow Knight. For a complete guide on how to make it through Hollow Knight, be sure to check out our Walkthrough.
  • White Palace is a Location in Hollow Knight. Please see Walkthrough for other areas. The palace of The Pale King that has mysteriously vanished from the kingdom of Hallownest after the spread of The Infection. It is only accessible via the dream world by dream nailing the corpse of a Kingsmould with an Awoken Dream Nail.

White Defender. The White Defender has a lot of health, 1600 HP to be exact. He can be found by using the Desolate Dive just under the room to the right of the Dung Defender, where the lever is located. The White Defender has many of the same attacks as the Dung Defender but he’s fairly easy to predict and most of the attacks can be avoided. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. The reason is because my Defender's Crest murdered them after I had died. Last edited by Kyutaru; Feb 28, 2017 @ 12:49pm #1. Feb 28, 2017 @ 12:50pm ah I had it on for a bit but I guess I kill things too fast now, didn't see it doing damage. Mar 07, 2017 Hollow Knight. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Hollow Knight Spoiler Discussions Topic Details. Mar 7, 2017 @ 9.

Aug 5, 2017

An In-depth guide on how to defeat the White Defender in a more manageable way.
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With the addition of Hidden Dreams to the game, there were also added 2 of the most difficult bosses of the game, Grey Prince Zote and the White Defender.
Meanwhile Prince Zote focuses on more unpredictable but easer to dodge moves, White defender prefers more predictable but harder to dodge attacks, Especially when all of his dungs are on the screen, Making the movement on the arena very difficult. Combine this with his ability to increase his damage after each defeat and you got one hell of a boss.
Luckily there's a way to make this fight a bit more easer by abusing the way some of his attacks are programmed.
Well, without further delay let's begin!

The Base Strategy

DefenderThis strategy will be based mainly on 2 facts:
  • The possibility to avoid most attacks (especially the Dungs) By sticking to one of the two walls of the arena.
  • The power of the Grubberfly's Elegy charm to attack the White Defender and his dungs from far away when at full life.

In fact standing next to one of the walls of the arena you can avoid most of his attacks and thus making the fight much easer by having to manage only one side of the battle, meanwhile the grubberfly charm will allow to damage him without the need to take unnecessary damage.
As you would have guessed you're (obviously) not completely invincible while doing that as there are still a couple or more of sneaky attacks that can still easily screw you, but i'll get on that later.

The Build

  • Grubberfly's Elegy
  • Quick Slash
  • Fragile Strength
  • Quick Dash/ (overcharged)

As explained above, meanwhile the Grubberfly's Elegy is the only mandatory charm that you'll need, Quick Slash is extremely useful due to his capacity to, not only almost double your dps, but also for his ability to spamming the ranged attacks, allowing you to handle the various dungs that will come at you without worring to be precise. Fragile Strength it's just for that sweet bonus damage.if you feel confident enough to not get hit (or you are at the highest levels of difficulty, where in any case you will die in one strike) you can add the quick Dash for movement bonus.
  • Shade Cloak
  • Monarch Wings

Even if none of them is 'necessary' to beat this boss they're are extremely recommended, especially the Shade Cloak, allowing to dodge the few attacks able to reach you while doing this strategy.
  • Howling Wraiths / Abyss Shriek

Not required but still recommended for his ability to inflict high ammount of damage while he's in the air.

The In-depht Strategy

Now that you have all necessary for this fight i should make clear what can and what can not reach you while doing this strategy.
I will refer the moves of the White Defender using the official names (i will not explain what each one attack does, you can go look for yourself in the Wiki Page.
What CAN'T reach you
  • Dung Leap.
  • Dung Toss (melee damage): Sometimes he will get very close to you, but never enough to damage you with is melee range.

What can OCCASIONALLY reach you
  • Dung Eruption: It's rare, but sometimes he can re-emerge just below where you are. In that case just dash away from him, give his some strakes (or even better just Abyss Shriek him for massive amount of damage), then just stick to the opposite wall.
  • Dung Slam: This one is VERY rare (it managed to happen only 2 times for me) and also the hardest to dodge.If it happens your only salvation is by dashing in the direction of the wall you're sticked, by doing this you should get enough invulnerablity frames to avoid it.
Hollow knight boss location
What CAN reach you
  • Dung Toss: Even if this strategy is supposed to take care of this attack, sometimes some dungs will come in a perfect diagonal trajectory that they can hit you but you can not hit them by standing still. In this case you can do 2 things: 1) Simply jump and hit them with a nail beam. 2) If the White Difender is launching others dungs close to you (meaning that jumping is a suicide), as for the Dung Slam, you can dash Towards the wall you are attacked and use the invulnerabity frames to dodge it.
  • Bouncing Beetle: just do as you would with the dungs while kepping the boss away from you, then just double jump when he slash the ground (in this situation i suggest to move around the arena).
  • Zeal: His most powerfull attack which he uses between phase 1 & 2. In this case i highly recommend to not stick to the walls and instead just dashing in the room to avoid it.
Hollow Knight White Defender Location
Here's a better explained way:
  • When he inks into the ground dash to one side of the arena and then to the another.
  • When he is about to come out try to stay next to him (not too close obviously) and wait for him to sink again.
  • At this point you just need do to dash in a direction and wait for him to come out (as long that there's space it doesn't matter in what direction you dash, because you can either find yourself alongside him or far from him (in this case just dash next to him again and repeat)
  • Repeat all of that for 6 times.

After that you will enter his second phase, which is identic to the 1° but just harder. Good luck!


Since I mentioned it at the beginning I could think about making a guide on how to beat Grey Prince Zote, but honesty i can't of any way to make that battle a little easer, In addition to the fact that I would not know what advice to give you over than 'Git Gud' or 'Descending Dark when you see Bullsh*t incoming'...i'll will think about it.
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Hollow Knight White Defender Location

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Grey Prince Zote

Grey Prince Zote can be found in Bretta’s basement back at Dirtmouth as long as you’ve rescued both Bretta and Zote and defeated Zote in the Colosseum of Fools. He can be fough up to 10 times but only gives 300 Essence the first time you defeat him.

Grey Prince Zote doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing and is constantly falling over. He’s still difficult to defeat as each time he falls over he’ll create a shockwave and he also likes to teleport around the arena before slamming into the ground.

Zote has 1200 health for the first battle. You’ll need to learn which moves create shockwaves so you can time your jumps over them. You can often get in a swipe or two after each shockwave. The Quick Slash and Fragile Strength charms work will for this fight. The Fragile charms won’t break if you lose a dream boss fight.

Failed Champion

The Failed Champion can be found above the arena where you fought the False Knight. After jumping up break the wall to the right and use the Dream Nail on the dead maggot. You can use the Dream Nail on the other Maggots to replenish your soul before entering the fight.

The Failed Champion is a buffed version of the False Knight. Each of his attacks will cause rocks to fall down from the roof but most of his attacks are very similar. When he jumps towards you this gives you a chance to dash underneath. You’ll be able to get in a few strikes before he turns around.

Standing in one of the corners may give you a chance to heal, especially if you have the Quick Focus charm equipped. The Failed Champion will get knocked over a few times, giving you a chance to heal or hit his head for more soul. Eventually he’ll be defeated and go crashing through the floor. Once he’s defeated you’ll receive 300 Essence.

Lost Kin

The Lost Kin can be found in the same place as the Broken Vessel in the Ancient Basin. He has 1200 health and slightly more difficult attacks. During the fight blobs of infection will spawn and chase after you.

The strategy for defeating the Lost Kin is basically the same as the Broken Vessel. stay on the ground because the Lost Kin likes to jump. Use Quick Slash to get in many hits at a time and Desolate Dive to really do some damage quickly. Killing the blobs that spawn give you soul so you should have no problem using spells during this fight.

A few times throughout the fight the Lost Kin will get knocked over for a short while, giving you a chance to heal, but you’ll still need to keep an eye on any infected blobs heading your way. Once the Lost Kin has been defeated you’ll be rewarded with 400 Essence.

White Defender

The White Defender has a lot of health, 1600 HP to be exact. He can be found by using the Desolate Dive just under the room to the right of the Dung Defender, where the lever is located.

The White Defender has many of the same attacks as the Dung Defender but he’s fairly easy to predict and most of the attacks can be avoided. Use Quick Slash to hit him repeatedly while he tosses the dung. Follow him around and get in swipes as he performs the dung eruption. If you’re close to him the dung won’t hit you.

Once the White Defender has been defeated you’ll be rewarded with 300 Essence.

Soul Tyrant

The Soul Tyrant can be found in the same location as the Soul Master. Use the Dream Nail on the corpse to initiate the fight. The Soul Tyrant has 900 health in the first phase and 350 health in the second.

Hollow knight white defender locations

The Soul Tyrant’s attacks are the same as the Soul Master except he’s a little bit quicker and has more fireballs during his spinning fireball attack. Having the Monarch Wings will make it easier to avoid the shockwave from the ground pound attack.

The Soul Tyrant will teleport around the arena making him difficult to catch up to. You may only get in one or two attacks at a time so the Quicky Slash charm is not very effective for this battle.

During phase 2 the Soul Tyrant will smash through the floor and land in the arena below. He performs teleporting slams repeatedly until he eventually floats stationary on one side of the room. This is your chance to kill him. Avoid the fireballs and hit him with the Abyss Shriek or the Nail. Once he’s defeated you’ll be rewarded with 300 Essence.

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