How Do You Off Soundcloud App

This is a quick tutorial of how to download music from soundcloud on android. Its a very simple process it is very handy if you are going to an area without. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions you may have about Serato DJ Pro when used with SoundCloud as a music streaming service. To use SoundCloud with Serato DJ Pro as a streaming service you must have Serato DJ Pro 2.1 or above installed, and you must have an active SoundCloud GO+ subscription linked with Serato DJ Pro. You’re a serious artist looking to take your career to the next level and do it yourself. With Repost by SoundCloud, you keep total creative control, reach audiences all over the world, market your music and get paid – all in one place. Review title of James somehow worse. No clue how you guys did it but it's worse than the mobile version, i can't even add songs to my playlist, and it's like you said 'hey here's all the stuff people might like, let's NOT do that', like being able to edit your queue, which was in the iOS version for a whopping couple months maybe. Soundcloud has so much potential and if I'm going to pay $10/mo. Do you get the same view of stats in the free account as you do in. SoundCloud s right to make money off of. Saying you could build a similar app with. Have you had your work removed from SoundCloud? Do you use Mixcloud? Very little time to do anything off-the-cuff or tricky. Including its mobile app. SoundCloud - Music & Audio.

What are SoundCloud playlists?

'Playlists' are groups of songs or other audio tracks arranged by SoundCloud users according to a particular theme or taste. This lets you easily listen to them one after the other, as opposed to having to find and listen to them individually. You can listen to playlists that other SoundCloud users create, or you can create your own and share your tastes in music with other SoundCloud listeners. Or you can keep your playlists private… it's totally up to you.

To create a SoundCloud playlist

  1. Go to in your web browser and log in.

  2. Find a track that you want to start a playlist with, either by browsing for it or searching for it. When you find one, click the Add to Playlist button underneath it.

  3. Assuming that this is the first playlist you've created, a new window will pop up allowing you to set up the details of your playlist. Click in the box labelled 'Playlist Title' and type in a name for your playlist. Then click one of the buttons below that to decide whether your playlist will be 'Private' (i.e. only you can listen to it) or 'Public' (i.e. other people can find and listen to this playlist). When you're done, click Save.

  4. After this, you can click Go to Playlist to see the page for your newly-created playlist!

To edit SoundCloud playlists

  1. Assuming that you're still logged into SoundCloud, click Collections in the menu across the top. Then click Playlists, and then click the name of the playlist that you wish to edit.

  2. Click the pencil icon underneath the header for your playlist to edit its details.

  3. Here, you can click and hold the mouse button down on a track name, then move it to another position to reorder the tracks in your playlist. You can also click the 'X' beside a track to remove it from the playlist. You can also click Add New Tracks to upload your own audio files (i.e. ones that you control the copyright for) from your computer and add them to your playlist.

  4. Under the 'Info' section, you can change the name and Internet address of the playlist. You can also select a picture to represent the playlist, or type in a description for it. You can also select if it's a specific type of playlist (such as a demo tape or compilation), or if the songs are from a particular genre.

    You can also add 'tags' to your playlists, which are descriptive keywords that make your playlist easier to search for. In addition, you can click Change License to choose between 'All Rights Reserved' and various 'Creative Commons' licenses to change how other people can use the music in your playlist (again, though, only with music that you control the copyright for). Clicking Show More Options allows you to add additional information, such as publishing company or year, or a link to a third-party website where users can buy and/or download the songs on this playlist.

  5. Under the 'Settings' section, you can select to change whether your playlist is 'Public' or 'Private'. You can also choose whether to allow tracks on your playlist to be downloaded or not (again, this is only for tracks that you control the copyright for, and it may require you to get a paid account), or choose whether or not to publicly display the code that lets other people paste a copy of your playlist into their website.

    If you click Quiet Mode, you can also choose to not allow people to comment on your playlist, or hide existing comments and statistics. However, you will need a paid account to select these options.

    When you're done making changes to your playlist, click Save.

  6. To add new tracks that are already on SoundCloud to an existing playlist, simply follow step 2 in the 'How to Create a SoundCloud Playlist' section above. This time, however, an option to Add to Playlist will appear instead of Create New (if you want to create another new playlist, click Create New and follow step 3 in the 'How to Create a SoundCloud Playlist' section). Simply click the Add to Playlist button beside the playlist that you wish to add the song to.

How to delete playlists on SoundCloud

  1. Assuming that you're still logged into SoundCloud, click Collections in the menu across the top. Then click Playlists, and then click the name of the playlist that you wish to delete.

  2. Click the trashcan icon underneath the playlist's header to delete it. Click Delete to confirm that you wish to delete the playlist.

Those are the basic ins and outs of playlists on SoundCloud!

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Online streaming services aren't new. There are innumerable ways to stream audio and music online, but SoundCloud has some advantages over the competition.

Founded in Berlin in 2007, SoundCloud has since expanded to an extensive app that encompasses a streaming service, a distribution platform and an online community. For musicians, it’s a great way to upload original music to share with your fans. For fans, it’s easy to keep tabs on your favorite artists and stream on continuous play. And increasingly more for other types of media, SoundCloud provides a way to stream embeddable audio pieces for news and sports media outlets.

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There are three subscription levels to choose from with SoundCloud. With a free account, you are limited to 120 minutes of uploaded audio and can only see some of your stats. You can get more upload hours by paying for a Pro or Pro Unlimited account, which also come with more extensive analytics, as well as a Quiet Mode feature to hide comments and stats on your tracks.

Once you decide what’s best for you, getting started with SoundCloud is simple. Check out some of the best and most useful SoundCloud features below in our beginner’s guide.

Signing Up

Signing up for a SoundCloud account allows you to take full advantage of all of SoundCloud’s features, including customization and personalized statistics.

You can sign up through your Facebook or Google account, or just use your email address. Simply click on the “Sign up” button on the homepage.

Setting Up Your Profile

If you’re a musician, this is a crucial step to branding yourself. Click on the profile icon on the top navigation bar, and then click “Edit.” You can add links to your website, Facebook, Twitter,, Songkick, Tumblr and more, and SoundCloud will directly link to them on your profile.

Uploading Tracks

Once your profile is all set, upload your songs by clicking 'Upload' next to your avatar in the top navigation bar. With a free account, you can upload up to 120 minutes-worth of sounds.


Once you upload a song, verify the title, add a description and label your sound with tags to make it easily findable. Perhaps more importantly, you can add a buy link. Click on “More options” right above the “Save” button before you upload your track. Within these new options, you can paste a buy link into the given field and adjust the licensing and accessibility of your track.

Making a Playlist

Whether you're organizing your own songs into an album or making a compilation of other songs, it's easy to make a playlist in SoundCloud. Hover over a track and select the “Add to playlist” button to create a playlist and add your track.

Once you've made a list, head over to your profile page so you can edit the playlist. To edit, click on the playlist to go to its own page, then click on the pencil icon right beneath the waveform.

Now you can drag and drop the songs in your playlist to reorder them. You can also change the name of the playlist, change the permalink, add an image and edit tags. Fill in a description, which is HTML-capable, so you can, for example, drop in links to sites where users can purchase concert tickets.

Once you're finished, you can listen to your playlist on continuous play without commercial breaks. SoundCloud also puts all of your songs into one waveform, and you can easily embed the entire playlist as one entity.

Sharing and Downloading Sounds

Did you hear a track you like? Click the 'Share' button to link it out via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Pinterest or email. If you just need the SoundCloud link, you can even specify a start time.

The most useful sharing tool in SoundCloud, however, is the embed code. Simply copy and paste the HTML into your own post and you will have an embedded mini player.

You can also customize your player to change its color and size by clicking on the pencil icon next to the embed code. If you're working specifically with WordPress, there is a unique SoundCloud shortcode for each track to make embedding easy.

Certain artists will also make their sounds downloadable. Simply click the download icon below the waveform to download the track.


Similar to other music services, SoundCloud allows you to stream your songs in the background while you change between different interfaces. This is a great feature, especially while you’re browsing through different tracks with the explore function. Just click on “Explore” on the left side of the top navigation bar.

The page aggregates tracks that are popular at the moment within the SoundCloud community. You can browse not only by musical genres (which aren’t extremely extensive), but you can also browse other media, such as newscasts and excerpts from audiobooks.

Following Other Users

Perhaps one of the best features of SoundCloud is its social network-like model. You can keep tabs on your favorite artists, record labels and news outlets as their posts fill your stream, just as a Twitter or Facebook feed would.

Once you've found posts that interest you, just click the “Follow” button on the user’s profile and you’ll see every track they post in your stream.

Social Networking and Interacting With Other Users

Now that you have a solid list of users in your stream, you can “like” tracks just as you would like a post on Facebook. You can also “repost” tracks, similar to a retweet on Twitter.

Another cool feature in SoundCloud is the ability to comment on a certain point in a track. Do you love the killer drum fill in the bridge of a song? Let the artist know by adding a comment at that exact point in the track.

Click in the “Write a comment” field under the waveform of a song. Your avatar will appear in the lower third of the waveform, which is greyed out for comments. Move your avatar to the point in the song on which you want to comment, type a note and then hit Enter. The comments will pop up as the song plays through so that a user can read them while those points in the track play.

Tracking Analytics

Easily track the play counts, downloads and interactions of your sounds via SoundCloud’s analytics. Click on the drop-down arrow next to your avatar in the top navigation bar and select Stats.

With a free account, you can see the number of plays you have on all your sounds, the number of downloads, the number of likes and the number of comments. There are also percent changes for each metric so you can gauge your tracks.

If you’re looking for more in-depth analytics, sign up for a Pro account to get referral sources and demographics of your audience.

How Do You Off Soundcloud App

Joining Groups

Groups are a handy way to stay in touch with an organization or stay on top of new artists within a certain genre. You can search for groups by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to your avatar in the top navigation bar and selecting “Groups,” or you can create your own.

How Do You Off Soundcloud App Store

Utilizing Apps

The apps page on SoundCloud provides an extensive directory of apps that work in conjunction with the service. From music production apps like Ableton to social sharing apps like Tumblr and IFTTT, you can get them straight from SoundCloud’s directory.

How Do You Off Soundcloud Apple

The recent addition of Instagram to SoundCloud allows you to upload pictures from your Instagram feed to use as playlist or album covers.

To do this, hover over the cover of your playlist or track and click on “Choose new image.” Connect your Instagram account with the button on the lower left to use your own original images for album art.

Soundcloud App Store


Image: Mashable composite; Flickr, slippyd

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