Images Disappearing In Google Slides

Alex Kemp
20302185959 http://etmg.altervista...

Created attachment 107274 Test case for images disappearing I just took LO for a quick test spin and attached the file. As you can see, I didn't even get 4 slides completed before the image on my title slide disappeared. The images were saved from Google (Save Image as) to my desktop and then inserted using the image button. Create a new presentation and edit it at the same time as others. Get things done with or without an Internet connection. Use Slides to edit PowerPoint files. Free, from Google.

Creating slides in latest version of impress (?4.2 after clean install) with jpegs...images randomly disappear spontaneously leaving a generic placeholder only. Closing file causes impress to lock and crash. Attempting to reopen file causes recovery wizard to appear and, most often, lock up. Occurs using Windows 7 and OpenSUSE 12.3 with all updates on the same AND different machines (laptop with nVidia graphics vs desktop with ATI graphics).


Becoming a dealbreaker.

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Images Disappearing From Google Slides

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Alex Kemp
close date 2020-08-23 21:45:43.495942


The current (non pre-release) version is v4.1.2.3. What file format is being used i.e., ODP, PPT, PPTX? How were the images inserted i.e., drag-n-drop, Insert > Picture > From File...? What size is the presentation i.e., file size, number of slides, number of images, average size of images? Answers to these questions will help narrow down the problem.

Images Disappearing In Google Slides Docs

Problem exists also in - Release version. I use ODP format, even with 40 slides it happens. Example: I placed 3times a symbol from the available image gallery, worked on the presentation 9-10 times, then all disappeared.

A similar bug has been reported in bugzilla with a temporary workaround in comment #69. It may be limited to .png images. Hopefully, it will get squared away properly soon.

Download Image From Google Slide

Just downloaded the most recent version (Sept 9, '14). Images in Impress are still disappearing. Until I hear otherwise I'm shelving impress. Using Windows 7, saving files as .odp and .ppt, problem also occurs when I'm in Linux Mint.


Images Disappearing In Google Slides Outs

Running latest version on MacOS 10.9.5. Same problem with either eps or png files.Libreoffice impress is unusable because of this.

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