Skyrim Special Edition Mage Mods

Mod can cause a strong addiction.Port to SKYRIM SPECIAL EDITION original Skyrim mod Colorfool Magic by 184Gesu.Avialable all Edtions for English, Russian and Japanese language. Essential Mods & SkyUI Apart from SkyUI, the first mod that you should install is the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch. The second one is SSE Engine Fixes (this one has 2 step process). These two mods will greatly improve the game and they are basically must-have. Best pure mage mod? So I played a lot with 'awakened magicka mod' and it is amazing, just wondering is there any other pure mage build mods as good as this one or even better? Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments. Today we are talking to Mangaclub, a long-time member of our modding community and author of some of your favourite weather mods such as Vivid Weathers for Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, and Fallout 4. BigBizkit: Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Skyrim Special Edition. This Might Be The Greatest Mage Mod Ever. Video information. Added on 03 September 2020 4.

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A long time ago a viewer on Youtube asked me to do a video on how to install SkyUI. At the time I didn’t really think there would be many people out there searching for this, rather that they would look for a guide on how to install Skyrim mods in general. So I did the video just with him in mind, but later it turns out there are just as many people looking for this guide, as well as the general one (which are the same by the way), hence this page here. So whether you were looking for this guide, or the general modding guide (no difference), I’ve made sure to cover all bases.


Introduction to Modding Skyrim

The process is the same for Skyrim LE (Legendary Edition) & Skyrim SE (Special Edition), the only difference is the version of the mods that you’re downloading (and SKSE, Skyrim Script Extender).

So if you’re playing on Skyrim LE, use this to get your mods. And this one for Skyrim SE.

I personally recommend Skyrim SE due to improved stability, 64bit engine and generally much better performance and less crashes (very important if you have a lot of demanding mods).

Some mods work between the editions (textures are always fine but not meshes) but generally you want to stick to the one you’re using. And don’t go crazy with too many mods or the game might not even start if you have a lot of conflicts.

To get started, make sure you’ve got 7zip & NexusMods account.

Install MO2 (Mod Organizer 2)

The first thing you need is a robust mod management utility. I use Mod Organizer 2. There are other ones out there, but this one is the best, at least in my (and many other people’s) opinion.

When installing MO2, at the bottom of the options make sure to check the handle Nexus links box and then later when you start it up, enter your Nexus account information. You will be able to download mods directly into it.

I’m not going to give you extensive tutorials on how to use MO2 because that would make this guide way too long, but when you first start it, it will offer to teach you the basics so make sure you go through that beginner tutorial that’s built into it.

Make sure your Skyrim root folder is away from your Windows drive (not 100% required but very recommended) and install MO2 as portable in a new folder you create inside the root one. Some people say you shouldn’t do it like that, but it’s 100% fine as long as there are no permission issues with Windows. I use portable option because I have multiple instances. But you don’t have to use portable of course.

MO2 can also be used to mod other games such as Fallout.

Install SKSE or SKSE64 (Skyrim Script Extender)

The next thing that you need is the Skyrim Script Extender. Download the appropriate 7z archive for your version of Skyrim. Download and extract anywhere on your machine. If you’re playing on LE then get the first one. On SE go with the SE build of SKSE. It won’t work otherwise.

Copy all extracted files to your Skyrim’s root folder. Always keep this updated or the mods won’t work if they require a newer version. Simply re-download and overwrite when there’s a new version.

However, if a mod that you really like hasn’t been updated to work with the newer version of SKSE, then you might want to wait until it’s updated so put that off temporarily. But generally you always want to keep it updated.

Now that you have SKSE, in MO2 you will see a dropdown that says SKSE and this is a shortcut that will start an instanced version of the game with SKSE enabled, which lots of mods require.

Feel free to send the shortcut to your desktop. You can rename it and even change the icon by right clicking on it > change icon then select the executable from the root folder just for its graphic. I demonstrate all of this in the video above.

You are ready to install mods now.

Essential Mods & SkyUI

Apart from SkyUI, the first mod that you should install is the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch. The second one is SSE Engine Fixes (this one has 2 step process).

These two mods will greatly improve the game and they are basically must-have.

Now also install Sky UI (SE link) and browse some more popular mods on Nexus or take a look at my Skyrim SE Mods playlist on Youtube where I showcase all kinds of cool stuff.

SkyUI is important also because it provides MCM menu capabilities for other mods to use. Those are basically mod configuration menus you see in game.

When installing mods, always read the descriptions carefully, check the bugs & posts area to make sure it’s all good and updated, as well as possible tips and tricks other people recommend.

As I said, don’t go too crazy with it, especially as a beginner and also learn how to patch the game when you’re done installing all your favorite mods.

This should be enough for you for now. I did my best not to overwhelm you.

If you have any questions or you just want to say hi, feel free to leave me a comment either here at the bottom of the page, or in the comment’s area of the video embedded at the top.

I’ll see it and reply 100%. Good luck!

What’s Next?

Want to know more about Skyrim SE (Special Edition) & Mods? Check out my other Skyrim SE Guides & Skyrim SE Playlist on Youtube.

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Magic is a big part of Skyrim. There are so many magic related mods out there, I can’t possibly talk about all of them. But I can mention what I use and provide a brief explanation of what each one does. You can also watch the video if you prefer. Some of the mods on this list might not be 100% exclusively magic related, but they do influence the gameplay significantly so that’s why they’re there.

Also, if you never modded Skyrim and would like to get started, here’s my beginner modding guide that should bring you up to speed.


Ordinator – Perks of Skyrim

The biggest and arguably best perk overhaul mod of all time. It provides so many different build possibilities, it’s insane. It also improves crafting and gives you tons of new spells and powers to mess around with.

This is why it’s on the list. Because with Ordinator, you can play as a mage in many different ways. Kinda like in vanilla but with many more different types of specializations and perks related to those specializations.

There’s also a couple of optional plugins, so take a look at them too.

Ordinator – Perks of Skyrim.

Undeath Remastered

This is a content DLC mod that will set you on a collision course with someone who wants to ascend to lichdom. Once you’ve dealt with this enemy, you will have the option to complete the ritual yourself and become a lich. As an immortal lich (you can still be ‘killed‘ just not for good) you will also gain new buffs, debuffs, spells and abilities etc.

It’s a pretty cool mod in my opinion. Just remember, when in lich form you will be hostile to all humans by default.

Undeath Remastered.

Undeath Immersive Lichdom SSE

Skyrim Special Edition Magic Mods

This is an expansion that brings even more stuff to Undeath. It’s done by a different author and the first mod is a requirement. Simply add this one after the first one and you will expand the original mod significantly.

Undeath Immersive Lichdom SSE.

Magical College of Winterhold

MCoW overhauls the college area completely. It edits literally everything in it, and it also provides additional stuff for you to play with. Things such as scroll and soul gem crafting. You can study different types of magic and get all kinds of buffs and bonuses for being enrolled in the college.

In addition to that, it also adds a small new area at the top of the college accessible to the archmage. Speaking of being the archmage, the archmage’s quarters have received a complete overhaul as well. You can plant alchemy reagents, access all crafting stations etc.

One of my favorite mods since I love playing as a mage in Skyrim.

Magical College of Winterhold.

Magical Staves and Staffs

This mod is from the same author and the previous mod is a requirement if you want to use it. What it does is simple. It fixes up issues with staves in Skyrim. They will now be more in tune with their spell counterparts, they will benefit from perks etc.


Crafting staves is also affected. Now you will need a soul gem and a spell book (and an unenchanted staff of a specific kind) to successfully make a staff in the archmage’s quarters.

You can make any staff in the game from any spell book.

Magical Staves and Staffs.

Wards Functionalities Extended

Playing with wards in vanilla Skyrim is simply terrible. They are weak, they charge too slowly and they cost too much. This mod fixes that completely, and it also gives you an MCM menu where you can tweak things as you see fit. Wards can now also interact with physical weapons and projectiles.

In addition to all that, it also integrates an expert level ward spell, as well as a couple of master level ones.

Wards Functionalities Extended.

Summermyst (Enchantments of Skyrim)

This mod will add 120 new enchantments to the game, as well as polish vanilla ones a bit. Enemies will also have access to them, so be prepared to see some new stuff happen to you.

You can learn them all, apply them to your weapons & armor etc. Phenomenal mod and a must have.

Summermyst (Enchantments of Skyrim).

Apocalypse (Magic of Skyrim)

150+ new spells for all schools of magic. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of all of them, but there are so many new and interesting spells, it’s incredible. They’re all integrated seamlessly in the world.

Also has an MCM menu where you can tweak some stuff around.

Apocalypse (Magic of Skyrim).

Shadow Spell Package

Ever wanted to play as a shadow mage? Well now you can. You’ll get access to a significant amount of different types of shadow spells, as well as some buffs and abilities. They function similarly to other destruction spells but are shadow themed and quite useful against certain types of enemies (for example Dwarven constructs).

Shadow Spell Package.

Best Mods Skyrim Special Edition

Psijic Teleport Spells

Very interesting pack of spells designed to help you move around a bit more efficiently, in combat as well. There’s spells of different levels so for example the master level spell will let you teleport anywhere you want on the map.

Psijic Teleport Spells.

Summonable Spriggans

This is a fun mod for those who would like to play as a more nature oriented mage. Kind of like a druid that can also summon Spriggans. There’s different variations of Spriggans for different spell levels. They’re quite useful and have high DPS but they’re not very tanky.

How To Mod Skyrim Special Edition

Summonable Spriggans.

Necromaster Skills

Now this is an interesting mod that will allow you to play your mage a bit differently. You can transform yourself into a bone-tyrant and gain access to all kinds of powerful buffs and abilities. It’s last on the list but definitely a must have if you want to play as a necromage.

Necromaster Skills.


What’s Next?

Skyrim Special Edition Mods

Want to know more about Skyrim SE (Special Edition) & Mods? Check out my other Skyrim SE Guides & Skyrim SE Playlist on Youtube.

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