Pros And Cons Of Whatsapp

  • Do you know the pros and cons of using online chatting platforms in schools? ULTIMATE GUIDE: Everything you need to know about using Whatsapp for Schools. If you want an app for school and a parent teacher communication app, to keep in touch with parents or students, weigh the pros and cons of using an online chatting platform for your school.
  • May 27, 2016 WhatsApp may change this in a future update but, for now, you need to find ways to get around this problem. In terms of MP3s, for example, you can change the file extension to.MP4 or actually convert the file into an MP4 document. These are just some of the pros and cons of the new WhatsApp desktop app. Do you have anything to add to this list?

Jan 27, 2015 Our experience was a little mixed, but considering that it is still in a very early developmental stage, here are a few pros and cons that we felt after our experience. We really hope Whatsapp notices the cons and irons them out in the future interface for more scalability and ease of use.

WhatsApp, the leading messaging service which is ruling the heart of over 700 million monthly active users needs no introduction. Daily, more than 30 billion messages are sent worldwide using this app.

And, now it is buzzing around the world with its desktop client service.

Surprised, right?

Yes, now WhatsApp is accessible on the web as well.

With this promising feature, one can view all the conversation and messages on the desktop which was going on Android, BlackBerry, Nokia or Windows Phone using Google Chrome browser.

Before you dive in, have a look at the benefits and its limitations of WhatsApp web client


  • WhatsApp web mirror the conversation from mobile. You can view the live chat on desktop which is going on mobile or vice-versa.
  • Secured connection. User can login on desktop version by scanning QR code with phone and there is no username or password which can be hacked.
  • No double usage of memory. When you download any image on mobile app, then it will not get automatically downloaded on desktop or vice-versa.


Pros And Cons Of Whatsapp Gb

  • iOS devices are not supported. Unfortunately, iPhone users cannot reap the benefits of this service because of “Apple platform limitations.
  • WhatsApp on the desktop show all the conversation going on mobile app uptil PC is connected to the internet.
  • When your mobile phone battery dies or it is switch off, WhatsApp web will not work.
  • Not compatible with all browsers except Google chrome browser.
  • On the WhatsApp web client, only text messages can be send not multimedia messages.
  • You can neither edit your profile nor delete the conversation from desktop app as you do with mobile WhatsApp.

After reviewing all the points, if you want to use the service, then follow the steps given below

  • Update the latest version of the WhatsApp on your mobile.
  • Run Whatsapp web on your PC in a Google Chrome browser.
  • On the mobile app, choose menu and open WhatsApp web.
  • Scan the QR code on the desktop with mobile app.
  • Once scanned, you will get a web app right over there!

Do you plan to use the WhatsApp web or have already tried it before? Let us know your views through your comments.

to communicateand keep in touch with parents and students. Some preschools have their own school management software and it helps them have a structured form of communication. Preschools however, are unable to develop a school mobile app or get school management software due to the cost and time factor. Not only the development of aschool appPros And Cons Of Whatsapp, but maintaining the app, making regular upgrades, fixing bugs etc are not feasible. They choose chat platforms instead to keep in touch.Online Chatting platforms are great for personal use. Let us say, platforms like Whatsapp have over 1.5 Billion Users and everyone we know have whatsapp on their mobile. You can chat, send videos, pictures and even voice messages.As easy as it is to reach someone on a chat platform, it is really useful for businesses and institutions such as schools to use it for their school purpose? Do you know the pros and cons of using online chatting platforms in schools? ULTIMATE GUIDE: Everything you need to know about using Whatsapp for Schools

Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms

If you want an app for school and aparent teacher communication app, to keep in touch with parents or students, weigh the pros and cons of using an online chatting platform for your school first.



Used worldwide. Easy to use app to send photos, videos, documents instantly.Great for personal use. Comes with a lot of clutter. Retrieving messages in a linear chat thread is a nightmare.Free to use tool for parents and schools. Free and hence has limitations. Schools cannot share class time table, daily reports, school report cards to parents.Great for two way communicationLack of structure. Schools will have to read comments as a chat thread only. Parents will not be able to like, comment or share using seperate threads for teachers to see and respond.Get instant responses from parents.Takes away a lot of productive time of teachers by constantly checking messages of not just the school group but other groups as well.A great chat platformSchools need a tool beyond chat. For example: Attendance marking or application of leave. Collection of online fee payment, tracking payments, sending fee reminders etc cannot be done using a chat platform.Can create multiple groups for schoolsMultiple groups create a lot of confusion. It gives a spam feel for parents to get so many notificationsCan send unlimited messages in the group.Cannot unsend messages in chat. Cannot edit sent messages either.Simple, easy layout.Cannot customise templates that are suitable for your school. Can only use school logo in the profile picture. Can send upcoming event information as text and image.Cannot get exact RSVP. Have to manually count the no of parents who has typed Yes/ No or other messages to keep track.Ability to share images, videos, documents to other group membersParents do not want to download all images to their device. They may only want to choose those pictures relevant to their child.Pros And Cons Of Whatsapp

So is Whatsapp a good tool for Schools?

If you are a small school with 10 to 15 students,chat platforms will work great. But if you have more students and have multiple whatsapp groups to manage different classes, it is best to use a mobile app for school or school management software . Here areWhatsapp6 Reasons Why WhatsappFor School Is A Waste Of Time.There are two ways to get aschool management software. You can either get a school management software from scratch using the help of app developers or opt for a school app platform that is readily available such asONNE. In both options, you will be able to customise your school apps to suit your school’s need. The first option will take months to develop while the latter is an instant, ready to use app.Need to know more about getting a mobile app for school or School Management software. Check this video. Related Articles

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